Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Indo US ‘Bilaterals’      
Dr. Manan Dwivedi states, Defence Trade and Technology Initiative, spawned between India and United States too has been a significant propeller in the steady stream of initiatives between India and United States.         
The U.S. Opts for Ineffective Sanctions on Russia
George Friedman says placing effective sanctions on a country such as Russia is much more complicated than placing them on countries like Iran or the Central African Republic because the Russians have potential military responses.       
Integrated Air and Missile Defence, Design and Development
At a conference at INEGMA on Middle East Air and Missile Defence, IAMD interoperability to allow all forces to see the same picture of the battlefield and conduct integrated and seamless command and control, early warning, and battle management of systems and personnel was discussed in detail
 Ceasefire with NSCN/ K Extended for one year
Ceasefire has been extended with two Naga Groups now with NSCN IM still in limbo
Maldives President predicts US$300 million compensation for GMR    
The Maldivian government believes GMR is owed US$300 million in compensation for the premature termination of the contract to develop the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA)
Massive cordon operations held ahead of President’s visit   to Manipur
Massive cordon and search operations at various locations of the state capital Imphal.
NGO ACAUT deplores deducting salaries of govt employees for Naga UGs    
Nagaland has long practice of Nagaland government departments deducting the salaries of its employees.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bangladesh Prime Minister Seeks Deterrence Capability    
Bangladesh Armed Forces have undertaken a massive modernisation plan under Forces Goal 2030
New [Indian] government will boost ties with China: China's ambassador to India, Wei Wei  
On April 28, 2014, Indian English Newspaper The Economic Times published the interview to Chinese Ambassador to India Wei Wei.
CorCom declares ‘General Strike’ on April 29 in Manipur
CorCom, an umbrella body of different valley-based underground groups operating in the state has called ‘General Strike’ on April 29 against the proposed visit of Paranab Mukherjee.
Pakistan requests Sri Lanka to establish trade office in the strategic port of Gwadar
A visiting parliamentary delegation of Pakistan has requested Sri Lanka to establish a trade office in the strategic port of Gwadar.
Tatmadaw offensives threaten peace talks, warns UNFC   
A key alliance of ethnic groups has condemned recent Tatmadaw offensives in Kachin and northern Shan states.
Himalayas region think tank team visits Myanmar to build partnerships     
ICIMOD, is a regional knowledge development and learning centre serving its eight member countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan – and the global mountain community.
Two Japanese naval ships arrive at Sri Lanka port
Sri Lanka Navy, in accordance with naval traditions, welcomed two Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) ships.
Sri Lanka provided a comprehensive briefing to the diplomatic community on the action taken by the government to counteract the recent attempts to revive terrorism in the country.

Growing concerns in Pakistan of a likely military footprint in West Asia with reports of soldiers or retired servicemen being send to Syria for joining Sunni rebel militias.

The third U.S.-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security Issues as per a release by the US Department of State underlined US attempts to expand partnership with Bangladesh.

After more than a decade of assistance from U.S. and other coalition forces, the Afghan National Army continues to pursue its eventual self reliance. 

Repeated infiltration and attacks on army units as well as civilians in the Kathua Samba belt of Jammu region indicate that security forces have not learnt their lessons and plugged the gaps in this area.

A total of seven vessels arrived at the port of Qingdao in East China's Shandong province on Sunday morning ahead of the 14th annual meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS).

Myanmar’s military, the Tatmadaw, has been the dominant institution in the country for most of its post-independence history. After decades of military rule, it began the shift to a semi-civilian government.

Friday, April 25, 2014

United States Strengthening Security Partnership With Bangladesh
United States and China seem to be competing to increase military engagement with Bangladesh

Manipur reeling under grim water scenario          
The issue of water scarcity in the state is apparently heading for the worst with the heat continuously tormenting the state.

Afghanistan Enhances Military Spending
As per SIPRI World Military Expenditure report 2013, Afghanistan has seen the world’s highest increase in military expenditure in 2013 coping with ISAF withdrawal
India at the Global Internet Governance Forum
Vinay Kwatra, Indian representative at the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance in Sao Paulo pitches for multi stakeholder approach
Conference on ‘Emerging Fire Protection Technologies for Rolling Stock’ 
Indian Railways Take Measures to Improve Fire Safety in Trains.

Festival of India in China Inaugurated in Delhi and Beijing       
Festival of India in China will be celebrated from May 2014 to March 2015.
Sri Lanka briefs diplomatic community on counter terrorism
Sri Lanka’s Minister of External Affairs, Prof. G. L. Peiris briefed the Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Sri Lanka with the assistance of representative of the Ministry of Defense and Urban Development Major General K.H.G. Hendawitharana to dispel fears of LTTE resurgence

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

U.S.-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security Issues Concludes
US support partnership in maritime security, counter terrorism, disaster risk management, peacekeeping, law enforcement, nonproliferation, joint military exercises and exchanges.
Inter-Governmental Agreement between Bhutan and India
Four hydro projects will take the total of joint projects to 10 with mutual gains for both the countries
Myanmar’s Military: Back to the Barracks?           
Transforming from an all-powerful military to one that accepts democratic constraints on its power will be an enormous challenge says a ICG report
Chinese Defence Delegation Visits India    
Lieutenant General Qi Jianguo, Deputy Chief of General Staff (Operations), PLA China led the delegation to finalise modalities of the Border Defence Cooperation Agreement
UNFC meets in Thailand to discuss ceasefire negotiations           
A coalition of 12 ethnic groups, the United Nationalities Federal Council, has begun a two-day meeting even as fighting has broken out in Kachin held areas.
President Yameen call on the military to maintain discipline and professionalism
President Abdulla Yameen has called on military officials to maintain discipline and professional standards in their service.
Comprehensive Do’s and Don’ts on security of residential premises for implementation by RWAs and residents
First in the series of Do’s and Don’ts for enhancing women’s security for circulation please

Monday, April 21, 2014

Security of residential areas is a pre-requisite for a safe and peaceful life in cities. While gated communities have improved security, these have not eliminated possibility of thefts, forced entries, incidents of molestation, sexual assaults and so on. However where RWA and residents have been alert colonies have been devoid of such incidents. This has in turn ensured that there is demand for the property and indirectly contributed to value addition. Do’s and Don’ts given at link below are simple measures to be undertaken on a day to day basis in general and should be supplemented by additional instructions by RWAs based on local conditions. Importantly making these a habit will ensure that your colony and house/flat is burglar proof.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Pakistan Military Foot Print in West Asia?
There were growing concerns in Pakistan of a likely military footprint in West Asia with reports of soldiers or retired servicemen being send to Syria for joining Sunni rebel militias.
Jammu: Counter Infiltration Failures
Repeated infiltration and attacks on army units as well as civilians in the Kathua Samba belt of Jammu region indicate that security forces have not learnt their lessons and plugged the gaps in this area
Sri Lanka Perspectives- March 2014 by Col R Hariharan
Sri Lanka forces in Northern Province were placed on high alert to prevent a possible “regrouping of LTTE sympathisers” according to General Udaya Perera, Jaffna commander.

Pakistan Taliban Talks: Concerns Over Regional Security
The first round of talks between the Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Pakistan government has not resulted in an agreement given wide spread differences between the two sides.

India Saudi Arabia Relations- Multifaceted Including Defence
India finds Saudi Arabia a very willing partner in terms of the security and defence dialogue.

India Gulf Relations: Energy and Economic Security
The Gulf countries provide almost 60 per cent of India’s energy requirement. The Gulf countries are also India’s largest trading partner by far as a regional group.
 India Bahrain Relations – People Friendly Approach
Bahrain supports India’s candidature for the UN Security Council permanent membership, and the King during his visit to India said that he will be the first Head of State to come to New Delhi to congratulate Indian leadership as and when the country becomes a permanent member.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Indian Navy Chief's Statement on Taking Over Sends Positive Vibes
“We need to pull on the oars together and keep a hand on the tiller to ensure that the Navy is steered on a steady course striving towards excellence with the aim to run an efficient, taut and happy Navy,” says Admiral Dhowan.

Indian Foreign Secretary at Russian Diplomatic Academy in Moscow      
India’s overall approach to dealing with an ever-changing world has been and will be consistent – to grasp emerging opportunities, while exercising eternal vigilance against traditional and non-traditional threats says Ms Sujatha Singh

U.S. Foreign Policy in South Asia: A Vision for Prosperity and Security
We know that India has the potential to exceed all of our expectations, and it has done so in the past says US Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Desai Biswal

US looking to resume a 'more comprehensive' military relationship with Sri Lanka    
The United States is looking for resuming a "more comprehensive" military relationship once the Sri Lankan government makes progress towards reconciliation and accountability,

India's Water Security - Storage of Important Reservoirs in the Country Adequate
Most Storage areas in North Adequate South Deficient

Sri Lanka's experience with non-state actors highlighted       
Defense Secretary said ability of a non-state actor to mobilize, maintain and successfully utilize a global network to strengthen and sustain terrorist activities in a sovereign nation is a matter of very serious concern.

Manipur goes to Polls Despite Threat of Boycott by Militant Groups    
75 percent voter turnout amidst reports of poll boycott and missing polling station


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Admiral RK Dhowan Appointed the New CNS
Vice Chief Takes Over almost two months after resignation by Admiral D K Joshi

Lieutenant General Konsam Himalay Singh takes over White Corps
The First three star general from the North East who makes it on his own merit

Vice President Ansari Calls For Trade Expansion as  Strategy for Economic Security
Vice President Addresses at Golden Jubilee and 48th Convocation of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

Turkish Premier Ecevit consulted Bhagavad Geeta  in war and peace
K Gajendra Singh former Ambassador to Turkey reminiscences on some highlights in India Turkey relations

UN investigation on Sri Lanka to examine a broad range of information and evidence
OHCHR will begin the process of establishing an investigation on Sri Lanka's alleged violations of human rights and assessing the evidence

Portal ‘Railsaver’ to Improve Energy Efficiency on Indian Railways Inaugurated
New Strides by Indian Railways to enhance energy efficiency and contribute to energy security

India - Visa-on-Arrival Extended to South Korea
In a notable outreach to Seoul, India extends Visa on Arrival even as by end of the Year 180 countries will have this facility


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SIPRI Flags increase in military spending across the World       
The fall in the global total comes from decreases in Western countries, led by the United States, and despite increases in all other regions. In fact, military spending in the rest of the world excluding the USA increased by 1.8 per cent

Fisherman Talks Between Sri Lanka & India
The Tamil Nadu Government Monday agreed to Sri Lanka's proposal to hold the next round of fishermen level talks between the fishermen of the two sides on 12th and 13th of May, 2014 in Colombo.

Nepal Chief Visits Malaysia        
Chief of Army Staff Gaurav SJB Rana on a four-day official visit

Security Flagged on Iran Pakistan Border Areas 
Activities of the Jaish el Adl a Sunni extremist group has raised concerns 

3,000 displaced by recent Kachin fighting in Myanmar
Clashes between Burmese military forces and troops from the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) began

MNDF to acquire two robots
Minister of Defense Mohamed Nazim today told local media that the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) is seeking to acquire two robot

MH 370 and ISAR 2014 In Kuala Lumpur
ISAR 2014 now takes place, from 17th to 19th June 2014 at Kuala Lumpur in the unfortunate back drop of the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airline Flight MH 370.


Monday, April 14, 2014

China's Ambassador to India Ambassador Wei Wei calls for reviving maritime and land silk roads

Rise of religious fundamentalism bodes ill for the subcontinent
In our era ,a very unfortunate , regressive and game changer development in the last quarter of 20th-century has been the rise of religious fundamentalism and obscurantism says Ambassador K Gajendra Singh

Science, Technology, Research, Innovation in Defence Equipment (STRIDE – 2014)
Vishakhapatnam, 25, 26, 27 July 2014
Centre for Advancement of Science, Technology, Law and Engineering (CASTLE) conducting innovative seminar on defence technology in Vizag.

China PLA Tracker
Primary source articles on the PLA

China's Defence Minister Vows No Territorial Compromise
China's armed forces shoulder the mission of safeguarding the security of sovereignty and the integrity of territory, always ready to address all kinds of threats and challenges, according to Chang.

Chinese, U.S. defense chief vow to boost new type military ties
Chinese President Xi Jinping described the content of this kind of relationship with "no conflict and no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation", which revealed the characteristics of bilateral relations, said Chang.

Xi Calls for Better Anti Terror Forces
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called on the country's armed police forces to forcefully act against terrorism, to safeguard national security and social stability.

China protects soldiers' rights
Chinese authorities made public on Sunday a guideline on national defense and the rights of the servicemen and their families.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Indian Elections: The Security ParadigmCivil and police administration under the EC conduct this massive exercise, which has matured over the years outlines Rahul Bhonsle. With sustained round the clock vigil, the voter can cast his ballot with a reasonable peace of mind even in the worst affected areas.

Kashmir:  No separatist detentions ahead of Lok Sabha pollsIn signs of political progress, unlike previous polls, the Jammu and Kashmir government has decided not to detain separatist politicians and activists ahead of upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Maoist Truce Offer: Disrupting Political Discourse
A singular success for the Congress led UPA is sustained drop in violence in Naxal affected areas, which has possibly led to offer of truce a tactical gambit by rebels

Review of the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit The HagueAmb. Bhaswati Mukherjee reviews the progress made in the third NSS including the Indian point of view

UNFPA under fire over census roleThe latest criticism follows the riots targeting the homes, offices and warehouses of UN agencies and international non-government organisations in the Rakhine State capital, Sittwe, late last month.

Climate Change Vulnerability a Variable Says IPCC
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says risks from a changing climate depend strongly on the amount of future climate change.
Increasing magnitudes of warming expand likelihood of severe and pervasive impacts that may  be surprising or irreversible.

Turkey and Israel May Reconcile After Years of Tension
Israel and Turkey currently find themselves isolated in the region, giving both countries a reason to begin working together again, especially now that Turkey's ruling party has consolidated its power in the recent elections and feels more secure against a domestic backlash.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

“Siachen Pioneers” Celebrate Golden JubileeDuring its 50 years of outstanding service to the nation, 114 HU has been awarded the President’s Standard in 1996, Unit Citation by the Chief of Air Staff in 2004 and a place in the Limca Book for World Records for the highest helicopter landing at a density altitude of 25,140 feet.
MARITIME STRATEGY AND INDIAN OCEANThere are few other navies, today, which can boast of such a calibrated build-up of capabilities and professional competence as the Indian Navy says Colonel Saji Abraham while outlining the maritime strategy for India in the Indian Ocean

BJP MANIFESTO - PRIMARY SOURCE DETAILS ON SECURITY AND FOREIGN POLICY - [Note- Foreign and Security Policy details of Manifesto of Congress Party has already been circulated on 30 March]

Secure Indians - Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime

Offers to look at security as a comprehensive all aspects issue beyond military security

Internal Security - Manifesto of BJP
Revamp of internal security system promised

External Security  Agenda of BJP
Modernisation of armed forces and defence production processes proposed

BJP to Review Nuclear Doctrine - See the Primary Source
Study in detail India's nuclear doctrine, and revise and update it, to make it relevant to challenges of current times says the manifesto

BJP Manifesto on Foreign Relations - Nation First, Universal Brotherhood
Emphasis on Soft power to sell India brand

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Raksha Mantri  A K Antony – Defends Performance in Media Interviews
Claims Indian Armed Forces have been modernised like never before during his tenure.http://www.security-risks.com/security-trends-south-asia/india-defence/raksha-mantri-a-k-antony-%E2%80%93-defends-performance-in-media-interviews-2597.html

 U.S. Defense Policy in the Wake of the Ukrainian Affair

George Friedman recommends a review of conventional war fighting capability and reconstitution of decisive force

Bangladesh Navy’s Ming Class Subs Coming
Dhaka is purchasing two submarines from China in a deal that has portends of increasing militarisation of the Bay of Bengal.

Sri Lanka questions legality of the UN probe, says will not cooperate
Sri Lanka's external Affairs Minister, Prof. G. L. Peiris addressing the Foreign Correspondents' Association said that the government had not accepted the UN investigations due to concerns over its legality, fairness, and some conflict of interest issues.

Nagaland: Will not interfere in LS polls: NSCN (K)
The NSCN-K/GPRN Zeliangrong region has notified that it will not get involved or interfere in the ensuing 16th parliamentary constituency election.

Myanmar Disagreements delay talks on national ceasefire agreement

Constitutional difficulties may delay cease fire agreement

Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

Adaptation to reduce the risks from a changing climate is now starting to occur, but with a stronger focus on reacting to past events than on preparing for a changing future, according to Chris Field Climate Change Expert

Saturday, April 5, 2014

EXERCISE KOMODO Multilateral Humanitarian Assistance / disaster relief (HA/DR) Exercise, “KOMODO” was conducted from 28 Mar-03 Apr 14 at Indonesia. The exercise participants include India, Indonesia, USA, China, Russia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Laos.

Russia and the United States Negotiate the Future of UkraineThe United States is not ready to concede that it has entered a period during which competition with Russia will be a defining element in its foreign policy. says George Friedman

On Foot for Democracy

Polling Parties Walk on Foot to ensure elections in remote areas.Polling Parties Walk Up to 46 Kms in Lower Dibang Valley

400,000 Kachins overlooked by census: Khon Ja
As many as 400,000 people in Burma’s northern Kachin State could be excluded from the nationwide census

Vice Admiral KR Nair, AVSM, VSM takes over as Chief of Materiel Indian NavyNair takes over an important appointment when the Indian Navy is facing flak for a number of accidents in the recent past

 US, Sri Lanka military cooperation on CBRN defense
The United States and Sri Lanka militaries will conduct an international defense workshop in Colombo on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defense despite the somewhat strained political relationship between the two countries over the US-led UN resolution.

Australia delivers first Bay Class patrol vessel to Sri LankaThe highly agile and responsive vessel, formerly known as Australian Customs and Border Protection Vessel (ACV) Corio Bay, will complement the Sri Lanka Navy's existing fleet.