Monday, October 25, 2010

An Effective Training Tool

On the job training in the midst of operations in Kandahar is one way of ensuring that the troops can build their capacities while being actively engaged in operations during short breaks. While such troops would not require basic training in counter insurgency skills, scenario building technique provides an effective medium to enhance those skills which require to be progressed based on short comings noticed and the likely type of encounters faced in the ongoing operations. Mobile training teams may therefore prove to be a highly useful and very dynamic mechanism to enhance operational competencies while actual engagements are ongoing in the country.

in reference to: Mobile Training Teams Teach Counter-Insurgency in Kandahar (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do we really know the Critical Naxal Affected Districts

Some debate over numbers has been ongoing and the number of districts affected varies from 200 plus with critically affected up to 33 plus. So what is the real dimension?

in reference to:

"For instance while 8 states are in the Naxal affected list, only 3 Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa and just over 50 out of 200 plus districts may qualify to be critically impacted based on the geographical spread and pattern of violence. For the push model of development and also security modernisation adopted by the Central government, empirical evidence is not important, political and 'other' considerations dictate disbursement. T"
- : comments : Red corridor, red economy (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

NATO Afghan partnership

Partnership between the Afghan and NATO forces after involvement of NATO for the past many years in training and operational support of the Afghan Army is now welcome. This would set the stage for long term capacity building between the two entities and substantially enhance the potential of the Afghan Army and the Air Force in the days ahead. This will also attain the larger NATO objective of stabilizing the region and handing over a stable area to the Afghan Army thereby enabling it to continue with a good security foot print across the board, therefore this is an important facet of the relationship which has to be developed over the years and the opening with the visit of Maj Gen Ali is the first step in this direction.

in reference to:

"Afghanistan may be perceived by a worldwide audience as an under"
- Afghanistan closer to NATO Partner for Peace membership (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Payment to Afghan Soldiers

he proposal for the Afghan National Army personnel to draw their pay and allowances from the ATM driven banking system is a progressive one as it would also reduce the level of corruption which is said to be high when some seniors have in the past been accused of denying pay and allowances to soldiers which has been a cause of concern. However the ATM driven system will provide leeway to the Afghan soldiers to directly draw their pay and allowances and thus eliminate middle men. However how far the banking system will be able to cope up with this all over the country remains to be seen.

in reference to: Problems Paying Afghan Soldiers (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Mustafa Abu Yazid Dead SITE

Yazid the financial chief of the AQ is reportedly dead as per SITE

in reference to:

"Also known as Sheikh Saeed, he is an original member of al-Qaeda's Shura leadership council and has been a trusted adviser to bin Laden for more than a decade. When bin Laden and the al-Qaeda leadership were exiled from Pakistan to Sudan in the 1990s, Yazid served as financial manager for some of bin Laden's business enterprises there."
- Al-Qaeda's New Leadership: Mustafa Abu al-Yazid ( (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lessons for Indian Government Counter Naxal Strategy

Some of the FATA lessons duly modified could also apply to the Indian governments counter naxal strategy, if some body knows what that is?

in reference to:

"Despite these short term gains, the strategy employed is faulty and will only prolong the militancy, bring grief to the people of the region, bolster the Taliban and fail to contribute to stability in the Af-Pak region."
- The Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kyrgyzstan A Nuanced Analysis

Kyrguzstan is one area possibly no many are politically sensitive about, however its eruptions over the past few weeks have raised increased concerns of stability in Central Asia, the playground of great powers, here is a nuanced analysis by Ambassador Gajendra Singh, I think a must read

in reference to:

"Geopolitical Battle In Kyrgyzstan Over US Military Lilypond In Central Asia By K. Gajendra Singh"
- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Familiar Awami League: BNP Political Battles

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party [BNP] finally decided to attend the Parliament after a break of one Year plus. Opposition Chief Whip Joynal Abedin Farroque made the announcement. After staying out of the parliament or Jatiya Sansad for almost one year plus the BNP most likely found itself politically marginalized and therefore thought it prudent to come to the house to raise issues of relevance and put itself in the media lime light. The party was finding it increasingly difficult to remain relevant in the country’s polity given enlightened policies being attempted by the Awami League.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Maoists Attempt to Gain Initiative: Call for Cease Fire

Almost immediately after the attack in Silda and Jamui, the Maoists were operationalising a strategy of talks with the government. Gopinathji alias Durga Hembram, wanted talks at the earliest while Kishenji the military commander was opposing it in a central committee meeting of 30 of the 36 member including those from Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa in the Kanai-shol hill forest area as per media reports. CPI (Maoist) general secretary Ganapathy proposed to put three conditions before the government — withdrawal of forces, release of Maoists from jail and lifting of the ban on the party said the media.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Counter Naxal Advice From Veterans

As per veteran counter terrorism expert Mr K P S Gill, “The most rudimentary components of a counter-insurgency (CI) response to the Maoist challenge are yet to be put in place. In truth, state police forces will have to be enormously expanded, prepared, trained, equipped, revitalised and, crucially, led and mandated, before any coherent CI strategy can be effectively implemented in West Bengal”. Mr Gill has also recommended immediate review of siting of all camps, improvement in communications and leadership as well as flow of intelligence. He indicates that beefing up security by providing central forces may not be the answer to the vexing challenges which will have to be mainly fought by the State police.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Assam: Cease Fire with Karbis

On 11 February Karbi tribal guerrillas surrendered in Assam, bringing to an end their more than 15-year-old armed struggle for political autonomy. Around 400 militants of the Karbi Longri NC Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF) laid down arms at a formal ceremony in Diphu, some 270 km south of Guwahati. A list of the arms which the KLNLF cadres deposited included 20 AK series assault rifles, 17 AK series rifles, 5 Nos of M-16 series rifles, USG gun – 1, Light Machine Gun - 1, Six Nos of 40 mm gun , One Rifle Launcher, One RPG - 4, SLR- 3, .22 pistol – 2, US Carbine – 1, M- 21 rifle – 4, Stand Carbine – 3, MP- 54, RDX- 500 grams, IID- 2, 3.6. gun- 3, SBBL- 5, DBBL – 2, UBBL 29, 9 mm pistol – 13, .32 pistol – 13, 9380 rounds of bullets, 25 KG- TNT, 14 nos of radio base, Time devise – 2 etc. Karbi Longri NC Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF) claimed that it had only decommissioned its arms conditionally i.e, joint custody.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Indo Nepal Relations

Indian Prime Minister Dr Man Mohan Singh may visit Nepal in the month of March. The Indian premier has accepted the invitation of his Nepali counterpart Madhav Kumar Nepal. Indian Minister for External Affairs S.M Krishna visited Nepal from January 15-17 while the Chief of Staff of the Indian Army General Deepak Kapoor was in the country from January 21-23 and was conferred the Honorary Rank of General of Nepal Army

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Arms Sales to Taiwan: Freeze in Sino US Defence Relations

Plans of the United States to sell 6.4 billion dollars weapons to Taiwan has placed Sino US Defence relations in suspension as China complained about the arms deal summoning defence attaché in Beijing to the defence ministry. The package of arms approved by the US includes Patriot missiles, Black Hawk helicopters, and communications equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet. Deputy foreign minister He Yafei had warned in a statement earlier that the arms deal was “bound to damage Sino-US relations, bringing about serious negative impact on exchange and cooperation in major areas between the two countries, causing results that both sides do not want to see”.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Familiar Awami League: BNP Political Battles

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party [BNP] finally decided to attend the Parliament after a break of one Year plus. Opposition Chief Whip Joynal Abedin Farroque made the announcement. After staying out of the parliament or Jatiya Sansad for almost one year plus the BNP most likely found itself politically marginalized and therefore thought it prudent to come to the house to raise issues of relevance and put itself in the media lime light. The party was finding it increasingly difficult to remain relevant in the country’s polity given enlightened policies being attempted by the Awami League.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Balochistan: PPP Attempts Reconciliation

The Pakistan People’s Party is addressing the problems in Balochistan primarily related to disaffection of the people due to long time suppression of aspirations due to army mismanagement. The government has a soft policy in the Province. While Balochistan is the country’s largest province geographically it lacks momentum of a large population to make its voice heard in the national fora. The militancy is therefore active in the area but is at a low key and the violence remains marginal mainly targeted at the security forces. The army has carried out a number of campaigns to suppress the same in the past but has failed to address the main core issue of disaffection of the people.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Security Situation

A latest UN Report on Afghanistan indicates that the security situation has deteriorated with an average of 1,244 incidents per month in the third quarter of 2009. This is a 65 per cent increase over incidents in 2008. Armed clashes, improvised explosive devices and stand-off attacks constitute majority of incidents with IED incidents higher by 60 per cent than in 2008. Insurgents increasingly use improvised explosive devices triggered by pressure plates, increasing the risk for road travel and has caused an increase in civilian casualties.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Political Gamesmanship

President Hamid Karzai's principal critic Dr Abdullah Abdullah said a political uprising was needed against the incumbent government. His remarks came as the President is increasingly usurping authority in the country assuming the primary role in Afghanistan politics by consolidating key powers such as the election commission. The Afghan Election Commission is already under full Presidential control and with limited parliamentary supervision, consolidating hold over Election Complaints Commission which is under the UN would further consolidate Karzai’s power over state institutions.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Peace And Reconciliation

Afghan peace and reconciliation efforts are likely to be long drawn out. The tempo for the peace jirga in April is however building up and the government is doing well to spread the message and gather support. However the information flow at present is only one sided, for the Taliban would be devising their strategy. The overall struggle at the higher level is that of power and ideology. The Taliban will want influential positions in the government rather than being second rate leaders under a Karzai government for abandoning their ideology of an Islamic Caliphate in the country.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Indo Russian Cooperation: Firming Up A Legacy of Partnership

Indo Russian relations are once again in the lime light with the recent visit of the Indian President to Moscow firming up the same and are scheduled to be followed up by the signing of extension of the strategic and military partnership by another 10 years during the annual summit meeting in Moscow this December. Indo Russian Cooperation also received a fillip during the month with External Affairs Minister S M Krishna co-chairing a session of Indo-Russian Intergovernmental Commission (IRIGC) to discuss ways to further consolidate the bilateral strategic partnership in Moscow.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

India’s Foreign Policy Goals Meshing with US QDR

India’s broad foreign policy goals were outlined by the Indian Foreign Secretary in her address at the Third MEA-IISS Seminar “Perspectives on Foreign Policy for a 21st Century India.” These are summarized as given below:-
India’s aim is to secure an enabling environment to achieve the overriding domestic goal of all round, socially inclusive development. The corollary to this is that a free and democratic India is a source of stability and a force for moderation in the region. India accounts for more than 70% of the population and more than 80% of the GDP of South Asia. We want to widen our development choices. We have a keen sense of our potential to be a great power by virtue of our population, our resources and our strategic location.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Indo Pakistan Relations – The Impasse Continues

While there has been a major mark up by the civil society to cool down the tempers in Indo Pakistan relations with a campaign called as, “Aman ki Asha” led by the Times of India group in India and the Jang Group in Pakistan, the stand off in official relations continued. There was much sparring between the Indian and Pakistan foreign minister at London where they briefly shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. However there was no official dialogue as was expected by some. There does not appear to be any hopes of resumption of composite dialogue though people issues such as release of fishermen, prisoners and people-to-people contact continues.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

India Pakistan Talks: Well Begun But Not Half Done

India Pakistan Foreign Secretary Level talks the first stage of resumption of dialogue after Mumbai 26/11 between the two South Asian neighbours were held in New Delhi on 25 February. India’s proposal for talks was readily accepted by Pakistan and the High Commissioner Shahid Malik met Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao to discuss dates reopening the process in early February. When finally Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and Ms Nirupama Rao met on 25 February there was possibly some relief on both sides. For the nay sayers in Pakistan had ensured that there would be a hiccup in the form of a bomb blast in Pune, Maharashtra.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Taliban And Terrorism : Pakistan’s Twin Confessions

In a surprisingly candid statement for the first time by a prominent Pakistani leader, President Asif Zardari acknowledged the presence of large number of Taliban in the country. This confession came just a few days after the Interior Advisor, Mr Rehman Malik accepted that the attack in Mumbai 26/11 was planned and launched from Pakistan.

President Asif Zardari stated to CBS news as per press reports in Indian newspapers on Sunday, “We are aware of the fact it’s ... Taliban... trying to take over the state of Pakistan. So, we’re fighting for the survival of Pakistan. We’re not fighting for the survival of anybody else.”

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Militancy – Continued Battles in FATA and Terrorism

In major operations during the month, Pakistani forces claimed to have cleared Bajaur agency at the northern tip of the semi-autonomous tribal belt. Security forces gained control over the Damadola area in Bajaur Agency, which is believed to be a stronghold of militants. Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani claimed that the key objectives of the military operation in South Waziristan had been achieved and most of the high profile militants had been wiped out. He also indicated that development work would commence to create an atmosphere for return of the refugees.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

UN Disarmament – Pakistan’s Resistance

Pakistan blocked the adoption of the 2010 agenda for the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament. The conference, the world's sole multinational negotiating forum for disarmament, spent much of 2009 stuck on procedural wrangles raised by Pakistan after breaking a 12-year deadlock to agree a programme of work. The impasse on suggested 2010 would be another year of halting progress. Adoption of the agenda at the start of the annual session is normally a formality, but Pakistan Ambassador Zamir Akram took the floor to call for the agenda to be broadened to cover two other issues conventional arms control at the regional and sub-regional level, in line with a United Nations General Assembly resolution sponsored by Pakistan and passed last year and a global regime on all aspects of missiles.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sino Pakistan Defence Relations

Sino Pakistan Defence relations were renewed with the 7th Round of Talks held during the month. On 09 January, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majeed led the Pakistan side during talks while the Chinese side was led by the Deputy Chief of the People's Liberation Army Staff General Ma Xiaotian at the Joint Staff Headquarters, Chaklala. The discussion focused on the impact of changing global security dynamics, progress in the efforts against terrorism and violent extremism, revised US strategy for Afghanistan, intra-regional disputes and posturing of involved states, and the tenuous spectre of strategic stability in the region.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Apprehension of Afghan Taliban Leadership

The dynamics of Pakistan’s relations with the Afghanistan Taliban is set to change as on 17 February it confirmed for the first time that it has the Afghan Taliban's No. 2 leader, Mullah Barader in custody. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was arrested around 10 days ago in a joint operation by CIA and Pakistani security forces in Karachi claimed reports. This was followed by the capture of two “shadow governors” of Afghanistan Taliban Mullah Abdul Salam and Mullah Mir Mohammad, respectively of the northern Afghan provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan in Balochistan province. Pakistan also arrested Mulvi Kabir, one of the top 10 most wanted Taliban leaders and a former Taliban governor of Afghanistan's Nangahar Province.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Assam: Cease Fire with Karbis

On 11 February Karbi tribal guerrillas surrendered in Assam, bringing to an end their more than 15-year-old armed struggle for political autonomy. Around 400 militants of the Karbi Longri NC Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF) laid down arms at a formal ceremony in Diphu, some 270 km south of Guwahati. A list of the arms which the KLNLF cadres deposited included 20 AK series assault rifles, 17 AK series rifles, 5 Nos of M-16 series rifles, USG gun – 1, Light Machine Gun - 1, Six Nos of 40 mm gun , One Rifle Launcher, One RPG - 4, SLR- 3, .22 pistol – 2, US Carbine – 1, M- 21 rifle – 4, Stand Carbine – 3, MP- 54, RDX- 500 grams, IID- 2, 3.6. gun- 3, SBBL- 5, DBBL – 2, UBBL 29, 9 mm pistol – 13, .32 pistol – 13, 9380 rounds of bullets, 25 KG- TNT, 14 nos of radio base, Time devise – 2 etc. Karbi Longri NC Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF) claimed that it had only decommissioned its arms conditionally i.e, joint custody.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Naxal Strikes: Strategy Exploits Police Debility

Even as the Central Government was making grandiose schemes for launching coordinated operations in Maoist affected Central India, the guerrillas launched two major attacks during February killing scores and quickly followed it up by an offer of cease fire putting the Ministry of Home Affairs in a quandary. This was perhaps a direct response of the guerrillas to the Union Home Minister Mr P Chidambaram who had been galvanizing state governments as well as central security forces into action through out the month and had called the Maoists to abjure violence and come for talks.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Maoists Attempt to Gain Initiative: Call for Cease Fire

Almost immediately after the attack in Silda and Jamui, the Maoists were operationalising a strategy of talks with the government. Gopinathji alias Durga Hembram, wanted talks at the earliest while Kishenji the military commander was opposing it in a central committee meeting of 30 of the 36 member including those from Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa in the Kanai-shol hill forest area as per media reports. CPI (Maoist) general secretary Ganapathy proposed to put three conditions before the government — withdrawal of forces, release of Maoists from jail and lifting of the ban on the party said the media.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Counter Naxal Advice From Veterans

As per veteran counter terrorism expert Mr K P S Gill, “The most rudimentary components of a counter-insurgency (CI) response to the Maoist challenge are yet to be put in place. In truth, state police forces will have to be enormously expanded, prepared, trained, equipped, revitalised and, crucially, led and mandated, before any coherent CI strategy can be effectively implemented in West Bengal”. Mr Gill has also recommended immediate review of siting of all camps, improvement in communications and leadership as well as flow of intelligence. He indicates that beefing up security by providing central forces may not be the answer to the vexing challenges which will have to be mainly fought by the State police.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Depoliticise Police, Build Capacity

The focus of police capacity building of the government has been on allotment of funds and enhancing capacity of the central police whereas the challenge is in modernizing the state police which remain neglected. Therefore it is important that the same be looked into at the earliest if initiative is to be seized from the Maoists. There is a need to ensure that a firm administration is in place in West Bengal as the CPI M is now not in a fit state to carry on governance in the state with its cadres having usurped the role and power of the police who have been excessively politicized.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)


# Roadside bomb kills six civilians in Afghanistan
# Mortar shells fired from Afghanistan hit Pak's village
# Explosions across Afghanistan's Kandahar; 30 dead
# 10 hurt, 3 held after BCL, Moitree clash with cops in Rajshahi
# Flag meeting begins after tension on Sylhet border
# Bhutan set for Saarc summit Message from Suu Kyi
# Message from Suu Kyi
# Nepal Maoists object to army chief's statement
# Unified CPN (Maoist) hints at vote of no confidence
# Maoists shut Bheri-Karnali
# Eleven killed in suicide blast at Swat checkpost

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

US Pakistan Relations

Connectivity From Military to Civil Needed

The chain of connectivity of the US and Pakistan relations is very curious. There are concerns of the same flowing from the military to the military and also from the US military to the government. Thus meeting between US military commanders such as Central Command Commander General Petraeus and the Pakistan Prime Minister are not unusual and indicates the type of clout that the Central Command wields in Pakistan.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Battle for Prime Ministership

With the oath of office administered to the Vice President a second time and he has been prudent enough to take the oath in his mother tongue as well as in Nepali, the atmosphere in Kathmandu seemed to have sobered down at the beginning of the month, but this was not to be for it is evident that the issue was possibly resolved as the Nepali President was due to visit India and had to have an incumbent in his absence and therefore the decision was hastened up.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Apprehension of Afghan Taliban Leadership

The dynamics of Pakistan’s relations with the Afghanistan Taliban is set to change as on 17 February it confirmed for the first time that it has the Afghan Taliban's No. 2 leader, Mullah Barader in custody. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was arrested around 10 days ago in a joint operation by CIA and Pakistani security forces in Karachi claimed reports.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

India’s Role in Afghanistan – A Review

The Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh assumed the unusual role of a counsel on Afghanistan to President Barack Obama during his visit to the United States. He also solicited European leaders as the Swedish premier Fredrik Reinfeldt with Sweden leading the European Union presidency. The Indian Prime Minister advocated firm long term commitment with a stark warning of a catastrophe in case of withdrawal in an interview with Newsweek, "A victory for the Taliban in Afghanistan would have catastrophic consequences for the world, particularly for South Asia, for Central Asia, for the Middle East. Religious fundamentalism in the '80s was used to defeat the Soviet Union. If this same group of people that defeated the Soviet Union now defeats the other major power (America), this would embolden them in a manner which could have catastrophic consequences for the world at large."

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

India: Leveraging Afghan Policy

The third major attack in Kabul targeting Indians on 26 February brought into sharp focus India’s Afghan policy. Six Indians were killed in the attack on foreigners living in a hotel complex. What is evident is inability of New Delhi to leverage the Afghan policy to advantage despite the sacrifice of many lives and millions of dollars worth aid and harvesting tremendous goodwill with the Afghan people.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Naxals Exploiting the Perception Space

The headless body of Sanjoy Ghosh, a 23-year old West Bengal state armed police jawan who had been kidnapped during an operation was found indicating cold blooded killing. This is the second such killing after that of Francis Induwar. The brutal approach recently adopted by the Maoists is a new form of violence that was not seen in the area earlier.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Naxal Strikes: Strategy Exploits Police Debility

Even as the Central Government was making grandiose schemes for launching coordinated operations in Maoist affected Central India, the guerrillas launched two major attacks during February killing scores and quickly followed it up by an offer of cease fire putting the Ministry of Home Affairs in a quandary. This was perhaps a direct response of the guerrillas to the Union Home Minister Mr P Chidambaram who had been galvanizing state governments as well as central security forces into action through out the month and had called the Maoists to abjure violence and come for talks.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Maoists Attempt to Gain Initiative: Call for Cease Fire

Almost immediately after the attack in Silda and Jamui, the Maoists were operationalising a strategy of talks with the government. Gopinathji alias Durga Hembram, wanted talks at the earliest while Kishenji the military commander was opposing it in a central committee meeting of 30 of the 36 member including those from Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa in the Kanai-shol hill forest area as per media reports.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Counter Naxal Advice From Veterans

As per veteran counter terrorism expert Mr K P S Gill, “The most rudimentary components of a counter-insurgency (CI) response to the Maoist challenge are yet to be put in place. In truth, state police forces will have to be enormously expanded, prepared, trained, equipped, revitalised and, crucially, led and mandated, before any coherent CI strategy can be effectively implemented in West Bengal”.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Depoliticise Police, Build Capacity

The focus of police capacity building of the government has been on allotment of funds and enhancing capacity of the central police whereas the challenge is in modernizing the state police which remain neglected. Therefore it is important that the same be looked into at the earliest if initiative is to be seized from the Maoists. There is a need to ensure that a firm administration is in place in West Bengal as the CPI M is now not in a fit state to carry on governance in the state with its cadres having usurped the role and power of the police who have been excessively politicized.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Acquisitions Indian Army

The Ministry of Defence ministry has given the go-ahead for field trials of equipment of two armament companies -- Israeli Military Industries (IMI) and Singapore Technology Kinetics (STK) -- blacklisted in connection with corruption scandal against former Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) chairman Sudipto Ghosh.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Indian Army: A New Chief, A New Vision

Lt Gen VK Singh, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, ADC, presently GOC-in-C, Eastern Command has been appointed the next Chief of the Army Staff in the rank of General with effect from the afternoon of March 31, 2010. The main challenge likely to be faced by the new Army Chief is modernization and accelerating acquisitions. After the Sukhna “land scam,” he will also be challenged to clean up the Army’s public image.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Indo Russian Relations: Rejuvenating old Ties

The diplomatic hallmark of the month was visit of the Indian Prime Minister to Russia for the Annual Summit dialogue. Reestablishment of Indo Russian relations on a firm footing since 2000 is a major dimension of India’s emerging foreign policy with contours of multi polarity assuming greater significance in the years ahead. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, India improved its relations with the West but it continued its close relations with Russia.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sino Indian Relations

Sino Indian relations remain on an even keel during the month with the External Affairs Minister Mr Krishna indicating that India did not see China in “antagonistic terms”. He has very correctly identified the complexity in relationship between India and China defined by an unresolved boundary question.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)


# Attacks kill 4 NATO troops around Afghanistan
# Indian NSA to visit Kabul to review security situation
# Amnesty International asks for probe into army role in hill violence in Bangladesh
# Tarique, Koko, Patal face arrest
# Death for mutiny in border force in Bangladesh
# Maldives Government will confront threats to execution, says President
# Suu Kyi to seek special appeal
# Maoist leaders give political training to PLA commanders

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Review by the Security Leadership

The situation was serious enough for Defence Minister Shri AK Antony to visit Jammu and Kashmir and address the top brass of various security forces and agencies at the Unified Headquarters in Jammu. Shri Antony said the year 2010 may prove to be a crucial one as forces inimical to stability and peace in J&K would make all-out efforts to neutralise the gains of 2008 and 2009 when the state witnessed considerable improvement in the security situation. 'The incidents of the first week of January in the valley are indicative of the shape of things to come', the Defence Minister said in reference to the terrorist attack in Lal Chowk area of Srinagar.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Major Operations

201 Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA) was the first newly raised commando unit to see action in Chhattisgarh in the Chinta Gufa area of Dantewada district when the unit launched a raid on a Naxal arms factory in the Bastar region. While the unit lost six valiant COBRA personnel they killed nine Naxals in the encounter and destroyed the arms factory registering their first major success. The unit along with the police is now carrying out area domination to regain control in the area.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Settling the Counter Naxal Strategy Debate

The Railway Minister Ms Mamata Banerjee is recently reported to have offered to, “touch your (Naxalite) feet” and asked them with folded hands to come to the mainstream. Mamata Banerjee is reported to have said, “I am giving you seven days to come to the negotiation table to discuss your problems concerning Jangal Mahal. Or else, I shall launch padayatras in Lalgarh, Belpahari, Binpur, Salboni and other areas in West Midnapore to restore peace and rule of law,” the Trinamul chief told a rally in Jhargram town, about 170 km from Calcutta.

in reference to: Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Naxals Exploiting the Perception Space

The headless body of Sanjoy Ghosh, a 23-year old West Bengal state armed police jawan who had been kidnapped during an operation was found indicating cold blooded killing. This is the second such killing after that of Francis Induwar. The brutal approach recently adopted by the Maoists is a new form of violence that was not seen in the area earlier.

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Assam Rifles: Enhancing Capacity

The Assam Rifles is India’s specialist force for conduct of counter insurgency operations in the north-east. It is also required to ensure security of the Indo-China and Indo-Myanmar borders as well as rear area security in times of war. It also has a role as penultimate interventionist force of the central government in internal security situation, under the control of army; when the situation goes beyond the control of central paramilitary operations. Keeping these roles in view the force has been deployed primarily in the North East for counter insurgency operations over the past many decades and has done yeoman’s service.

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Transnational Linkages of Terror in North East

With cooperative approach of the Bangladesh government led by India friendly Awami League party, the security agencies in a number of North Eastern States such as Assam and Tripura are hopeful of surrenders of banned militants in the wake of the pushback of Ulfa leaders Chitrabon Hazarika and Sasha Chowdhury recently by the Bangladesh government. National Liberation Front of Tripura chairman, Biswamohan Debbarma, has also been arrested in Bangladesh on 29 November rendering another blow to the outfit.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

State Of Militancy: Heavy Losses On Both Sides

White House national security adviser Gen. James L. Jones highlighted the Obama administration's three-pronged strategy for Afghanistan, "(The new) strategy has essentially three legs, more security, followed by economic development, followed by better governance from the -- at the local levels in Afghanistan." "My opinion was that we did not have a well-articulated strategy until March of this year.

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Wither Regionalisation and Afghanisation?

Regionalisation and Afghanisation are two arms of the strategy adopted by international forces in Afghanistan. While there is some progress on Afghanisation, regionalisation has not been as successful due to endemic antagonism between Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. On India’s part New Delhi has planned to provide fresh assistance to Afghanistan to the tune of $450 million for reconstruction. This takes India’s total commitment to Afghanistan to $ 1.2 billion.

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Wither Regionalisation and Afghanisation?

Regionalisation and Afghanisation are two arms of the strategy adopted by international forces in Afghanistan. While there is some progress on Afghanisation, regionalisation has not been as successful due to endemic antagonism between Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. On India’s part New Delhi has planned to provide fresh assistance to Afghanistan to the tune of $450 million for reconstruction. This takes India’s total commitment to Afghanistan to $ 1.2 billion.

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Militancy Trends: Why NATO is not Winning in Afghanistan ?

NATO forces were expecting an increase in attacks during the month of Ramzan and attempted to seize the initiative after the bloody battles of August saw the Taliban dominating the South and the East with large groups foraying vulnerable convoys and key Afghan and NATO security personnel. Winning back territory lost to the Taliban a second time was particularly painful. But given the paucity of manpower to hold secured areas was inevitable.

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ISAF Operational Plans

The US surge has commenced with reports of first troops moving to Afghanistan. As is anticipated, any flow of troops to a new area is unlikely to see immediate positive results given the nature of counter militancy unlike reinforcements in conventional operations.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Major Operations

201 Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA) was the first newly raised commando unit to see action in Chhattisgarh in the Chinta Gufa area of Dantewada district when the unit launched a raid on a Naxal arms factory in the Bastar region. While the unit lost six valiant COBRA personnel they killed nine Naxals in the encounter and destroyed the arms factory registering their first major success. The unit along with the police is now carrying out area domination to regain control in the area.

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Social Entrepreneurs: Silent Killer Of Naxal Forces In Bihar

The 15th Lok Sabha elections have seen a spurt of naxal violence in different districts of Bihar. Infact, these sporadic naxal violence could be seen as a disparate attempt of loosening the ground of its hold in different areas of Bihar. Naxalism in Bihar is expanding in some of the northern districts at the same time loosening its hold from its traditional strong hold i.e. from the Central Bihar. Many initiatives have been planned by the Central Government to combat Naxal Forces in the last one year.

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"Social Entrepreneurs: Silent Killer Of Naxal Forces In Bihar"
- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Contours Of New Naxal Strategy

The contours of a new Naxal strategy were evident during the conference of the Chief Ministers held on internal security in New Delhi on 17 August. Chief Ministers of five states which have been seriously affected by the scourge of Left Wing Extremism, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand Governor and a West Bengal representative attended the meeting chaired by the Union Home Minister. A major gain was consensus on conducting joint operations.

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Settling the Counter Naxal Strategy Debate

The Railway Minister Ms Mamata Banerjee is recently reported to have offered to, “touch your (Naxalite) feet” and asked them with folded hands to come to the mainstream. Mamata Banerjee is reported to have said, “I am giving you seven days to come to the negotiation table to discuss your problems concerning Jangal Mahal. Or else, I shall launch padayatras in Lalgarh, Belpahari, Binpur, Salboni and other areas in West Midnapore to restore peace and rule of law,” the Trinamul chief told a rally in Jhargram town, about 170 km from Calcutta.

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Naxals Exploiting the Perception Space

The headless body of Sanjoy Ghosh, a 23-year old West Bengal state armed police jawan who had been kidnapped during an operation was found indicating cold blooded killing. This is the second such killing after that of Francis Induwar. The brutal approach recently adopted by the Maoists is a new form of violence that was not seen in the area earlier. It is apparent that the top leadership which proclaims itself against such violence is not able to exercise influence on certain fringe elements or it has adopted a dual faced strategy of continuing with such vile attacks while simultaneously offering talks with leaders as the Railway minister Ms Mamta Banerjee.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The panelists generally agreed that military potential of the LTTE had been degraded. Apart from fighting a full scale conventional operation on the Northern front, the group has been under pressure from various quarters, including lack of economic support and bans by various countries. Professor Sahadevan brought out in the three measurable facets of military potential, manpower, hardware and establishment, the LTTE was facing problems in all spheres. In terms of man power the overall availability of pool had greatly declined with Eastern region which had been the main contributor to the guerrilla strength falling to government forces. On the other hand, LTTE̢۪s policy of recruiting child soldiers was also seriously challenged by availability as well as stringent enforcement of restrictions on recruiting children for fighting. There was also resistance from the local people for recruitment of child soldiers.

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The London Conference

The London international conference on Afghanistan on 28 January saw 69 foreign ministers; the entire Afghan government hierarchy including the President, Mr Karzai and his newly anointed ministers as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon renews commitment of the international community to rebuilding Afghanistan. The London Conference was a follow up of the 2001 Bonn Agreement, the 2002 Tokyo Conference, the 2006 Afghanistan Compact, the 2008 Paris Declaration and the 2009 Hague Conference Declaration. This is to be followed by a conference in Kabul later this year, hosted by the Afghan Government, to outline concrete plans for delivering provisions of the London Communiqué.

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ANSF Expansion.

The case for increase in the ANA and ANP to reach 171,600 and 134,000 personnel by October 2011 remains strong. The 300,000 numbers would be necessary in case any transfer of security responsibility is envisaged in the country. However increasing the levels by approximately 60,000 to 70,000 within a period of a year and a half appears too optimistic and needs a review. With approximately 30 – 40 percent of the ANA soldiers not opting for extension of their term of five years, the level of increase in strength has to be much higher each year.

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todays headlines

# At least seven dead in blast in Afghanistan’s Helmand
# US toll in Afghanistan war reaches 1,000
# Dutch poll to be held in June after coalition collapse
# Curfew slapped on Khagrachhari municipality
# First mutiny trial in Pilkhana begins
# Bird Flu outbreak in Bhutan reported
# Government “will not allow Maldives to become a Taliban playground”: Shaheed
# Nepal PM urges Maoists not to obstruct constitution writing roadmap
# RPP-N demonstrates around Singha Durbar
# Invite to Nepal President by Tibetan Group riles Beijing
# Four militants killed in Kurram Agency blast
# Forces destroy four TTP hideouts in Darra Adam Khel
# General Patreaus discusses security with General Kayani
# UK CGS calls on CJCSC
# Pak-US strategic relations need to be made more meaningful: PM
# New Tamil alliance in Sri Lanka says TNA betrayed Tamils
# Sri Lanka Supreme Court refuses bail to General Fonseka
# Indian Spokesperson Refutes Allegation of forcing change in composition of Pak Delegation
# We do not want separation from China: Dalai Lama
# Defence Minister’s address at DRDO Technology Day Award function
# No occupation of Indian territory by China: Army chief
# One Mumbai not enough: Hafiz Saeed
# Army captain, jawan killed in Kashmir gunbattle
# Kashmiri separatists to meet Pakistan foreign secretary
# ULFA leader granted bail
# Illegal banks in NE a law and order problem: RBI
# Police bust arms gang in Manipur
# Manipur prepares to introduce criminal tracking network
# Govt’s position on statement reportedly made by CPI (Maoist)
# Hours after ceasefire offer, Maoists attack CRPF camp
# Nitish, Soren to skip PC meet?

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A Sophisticated Counter Militancy Approach

Mr Gupta may consider that India has a sophisticated though not articulated politico military strategy for countering insurgencies as the Naxals. Thus tackling the Naxal problem would follow this approach and thus the government may succumb the demands made by the intellectuals with the Naxals, what ever be the problems posed tactically to the police operations. What is more important is that the government should use the pause to firstly build political consensus despite the minefield of state elections and more importantly build up the capacity of the police forces rather than drawing up gradiose plans without effective linkages between political will and police capacity, for the result then would be more Silda's.

in reference to:

"For an extremist movement whose core objective is the armed overthrow of the Indian state, the Maoists’ offer of a 72-day truce from February 25 to May 7 to New Delhi is tactically brilliant. The ceasefire move, coupled with a dialogue mediated by so-called “intellectuals”, is a counter to Home Minister P. Chidambaram’s offer to talk to Maoists if they abjured violence for 72 hours. However, the timing of the Maoist offer to smoke the"
- Careful of the calm (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, February 22, 2010



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- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Left Wing Extremism: The Forgotten Battlefields of Central India

Damanjodi is a remote corner of Southern Orissa in India. A few days back an intense battle in India’s forgotten war against Naxalism was fought there by a few ill trained, poorly equipped but brave and stout hearted policemen who rescued the lives of over 150 miners. This frontline came into the limelight when 200 Naxals struck on 9 April a week before general elections in the country targeting the largest bauxite mines in Asia. Beyond the glare of television cameras, valiant policemen of the Central Industrial Security Force fought a long battle to ward off the Naxals who had come looking for a truck full of explosives.

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The ULFA – Expanding Base in Myanmar?

The presence of ULFA in Myanmar was highlighted by a cadre who surrendered recently indicating, “Though I am not in a position to divulge the exact number of cadres right now, it is beyond 400. They are fresh and currently undergoing training in Myanmar at the bases jointly run by Ulfa and the NSCN (K),” said Niren Sarma the surrenderee.

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Assam: Renewed Hopes of Peace

Rail services were resumed through North Cachar Hills district, bringing relief to south Assam districts, Tripura and Mizoram. Trains have been suspended since May 15 2008 due to frequent attacks by the Dima Halam Daogah (Jewel). The first round o f talks with the pro-talk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) were held in Assam directly under the Centre’s aegis. Three leaders of the pro-talk faction - Mrinal Hazarika, Prabal Neog and Jiten Dutta - participated in the meet. 'This is our first meeting with any central government representative with the discussion ending on a very positive note. We once again reiterated our demands and urged the official to take steps for furthering the peace process,' Hazarika told IANS.

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Manipur: The 2010 Concern

Manipur would remain the key state of security concern in the North East. The level of violence continues to remain high. There were a series of encounters in Manipur during the month. Schools have been closed in the State for almost six months now. Despite personal assurances of the Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh of full security for private schools, day or night, wherever and whenever necessary for conducting normal classes, there was no succour to the students. While security in the school premises could have been assured, there was possibly no relief from demands of militant groups with threat of extortion and kidnapping ever lurking for the management.

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Manipur: Schools Reopen But No Respite From Violence

On 08 January the much anticipated moment for the people of the state finally arrived. Senior citizens of the state succeeded in bringing together the government and Apunba Lup who signed a memorandum of understanding to end the impasse in the agitation in the aftermath of the July 23 Khwairamband firing which had led to closure of schools for over four months. The agitation against opening of schools in Manipur led by the civil society which had demanded resignation of the Chief Minister had also been politicized with the Apunba Lup attempting to broker on behalf of the people, having to be brought to book by other organizations led by the senior citizens.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Nagaland: No Hopes of Breakthrough in Naga Talks

The National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) opposed participation of other “non-mandated” Naga militant groups in the peace process and insisted on integration of Naga-inhabited areas under one administrative umbrella. Thuingaleng Muivah, general secretary of the group said, “It is another form of unity first, negotiation next, as propagated by the adversaries of the Naga people,” in his statement on the occasion of the 30th Raising Day of the NSCN (I-M) at its council headquarters, Camp Hebron. The NSCN (IM) also expressed disappointment that the proposal has been floated by the Ministry of Home Affairs rather than coming from the Prime Minister’s Office as hithertofore. The statements came on the, “Raising Day” of the Outfits on 31 January.

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The Cease Fire and Surrender Tempo

In a major success, 384 members of the Dimasa militant outfit, Dima Haolam Daogah (Jewel), also known as Black Widow laid down their arms in three batches since September 10.With a large number of DHD J militants having surrendered, the Assam government is preparing economic packages for the two underdeveloped and militancy-hit districts of North Cachar Hills and Karbi Anglong. Two police battalions would be raised to accommodate surrendering militants in the state. However there are some reports which denote that some of the DHD J militants have yet to surrender and may continue to retain armed presence in the North Cachar Hills.

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# Military operation continues, reconstruction starts in southern Afghanistan
# Taliban 'step up' Operation Moshtarak resistance
# Weapons cache recovered in NE Afghanistan
# 4 student bodies join hands to resist Shibir at RU
# BNP plans demo Monday to protest police
# Dhaka, Delhi agree to install 1,320MW coal-based plant
# Meeting the summit deadline Finishing touches before the SAARC christening
# Visit of Vice President of Maldives to India
# UN envoy presses Myanmar ministers on Suu Kyi
# Big three parties agree to resolve impasse; to finalize joint resolution motion in 2 days
# PM calls for unity to protect democratic republic
# Two killed, two injured in Peshawar blast
# Indian-made IEDs recovered in South Waziristan claim Pak Police
# BHC takes suo moto notice of target killings
# Jalaluddin Haqqani's son killed in US drone attack
# Obama’s letter did the trick?
# Four Mercy Corps employees kidnapped in Balochistan
# All processions banned in Sri Lanka until after elections
# Terror high on agenda during Indian PM’s Saudi visit
# Navy inducts MiG-29K carrier borne aircraft
# India-made stealth submarine to be tested next month
# No end to MiG-21 crashes
# Construction of first ICP to be undertaken at Attari
# Rise in infiltration in Kashmir: Chidambaram
# Hurriyat moderates against talks without Kashmir
# Militant's surrender brings new hope for peace in northeast
# Ulfa leader gets bail in 3 cases - 3 more charges to be heard on
# Relooking CI Strategy in Manipur necessary.
# Maoists free kidnapped Dalbhumgarh BDO
# Ghandy met Prachanda, knew of Induwar's killing: Police chargesheet
# Kids’ induction follows Naxal raid?

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International developments

The Obama administration appears to be poised to take fresh initiatives to review relations with Sri Lanka. This is evident from the recommendations of the powerful bipartisan U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee headed by John F. Kerry for a rethink of U.S. policy in the light of decisive victory over the LTTE and developments thereafter. The U.S.-Sri Lanka relations were mauled during the course of the war when the U.S. tried to pressurise Sri Lanka on humanitarian and human rights issues. The worst phase was when it tried to intervene with an ill-timed plan to send U.S.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Adivasis’ struggle against displacement in Jharkhand

By Gladson Dungdung

18 July, 2009

Jharkhand is known as the abode of Adivasis (the indigenous people, constitutionally they are called as scheduled tribe), the land of struggle and mineral rich state in India. “Jharkhand” literally means ‘the land of forests’ came into existence as 28th state of the Indian union on 15th of November, 2000 after a long mass struggle, which took place in the 20th century for the realization of a beautiful dream of the Adivasi heroes – Tilka Manjhi, Sidhu-Kanhu and Birsa Munda. The dream was to form exploitation free, humane and just Jharkhand, where the Adivasis can practice their ownership rights over the natural resources, enjoy autonomy and rule themselves as earlier they used to. The outsiders perceive Jharkhand as the abode of uncivilized, uneducated and the most backward people i.e. Adivasis therefore the region was mostly neglected in terms of the development but its natural resources were highly exploited. The Adivasis were alienated from their resources, exploited and injustices were done to them in the name of development, civilization and nationalism.

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Left Wing Extremist Challenge

The Home Ministry assessment indicates that since Jharkhand elections were announced, the CPI (Maoist) seem determined to carry out the threat to disrupt the elections. They have also issued a call to the people to boycott elections. As in the past, CPI (Maoist) continue to target public property. For example, on November 6, 2009 they blasted a school building at Ekauna, district Chatra; on November 10, 2009 they triggered IEDs and damaged two school buildings at Kone and at Banbirwa, both in district Latehar; and on November 15, 2009 a Panchayat Bhavan that was under construction at Dimbuli, district West Singhbhum was blasted. On November 19, 2009, the CPI (Maoist) exploded a bomb on a railway track between Manoharpur and Pusaita railway stations: two bogies were blown up and six bogies were derailed. One passenger was killed and 40 passengers were injured. Besides destruction of public properties, CPI (Maoist) continue to kill innocent persons and label them as “informers”.

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A General Survey

That Naxal violence poses one of the gravest internal security threats before the country was evident with the numbers. In the current year (till 30th November), the number of incidents of Naxal violence have been 2016 compared to 1452 incidents in the corresponding period of 2008. 514 civilians and 304 personnel of security forces have been killed compared to 444 civilians and 217 security forces killed in the corresponding period last year. Nizamabad district of Andhra Pradesh; Deogarh, Jaipur, Kondhamal, Dhenkanal and Nayagarh districts of Orissa and Kunti and Ramgarh districts of Jharkhand have also been brought under the ambit of Security Related Expenditure Scheme thereby indicating a spread now to 41 districts from the original 33 worst affected districts.

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Naxals Exploiting the Perception Space

The news channel Times Now reported that the Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) met in the Sherghati forests of Bihar where the top brass set down four conditions for dialogue, the Centre should remove all paramilitary forces from the Maoists-controlled areas, release all political prisoners from jails including the likes of Maoist ideologue Kobad Ghandy, all MOUs with companies should be cancelled in Maoist areas and all operations including 'Green Hunt' should be stopped. [Based on Times Now Report].

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# Afghan tribal elders claim to hold key to truce with Taliban
# Dozens injured as BNP men clash with police
# 20 hurt as BCL, Shibir clash at Sylhet college
# BNP announces month-long protest programme
# PM urges top military officers to increase interaction with soldiers
# Bangladesh offered zero-tariff entry to Bhutan
# UN envoy meets freed Suu Kyi aide in Myanmar
# India OKs ONGC, GAIL Investments in Myanmar
# India, Nepal agree to ensure South Asian connectivity
# Don’t create obstructions in development activities, PM tells Maoists
# Army integration before statute: Deuba
# Global war on terror claims 30,000 Pakistani casualties'
# Avalanche leaves 50 dead in Kohistan
# Pakistan arrests two Taliban shadow governors
# Three Al-Qaeda associates arrested in Karachi
# Over 25 killed in Khyber bomb blast
# US drone strike kills four militants in Pakistan
# Holbrooke calls on Kayani
# Sri Lanka to continue dialogue with EU on GSP+ but not give into unfair demands
# India tightens visa for conference procedure
# State Visit of Rt. Hon’ble Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, President of Nepal to India concludes
# Defexpo 2010 Concludes
# BEML to become a billion dollar company
# Senior diplomats summoned to security briefing in Delhi after threats to athletes
# ‘Karachi Project’ to figure in Feb 25 Indo-Pak parleys
# Gunbattle between militants, security forces in Pulwama
# Five insurgents killed in Manipur encounter
# Dispur support for NIA probe
# Maoists kill 10 Bihar villagers in 'revenge' attack
# 15,000 more securitymen for anti-Naxal operations
# Shilda strike signals wider onslaught - Hobbled by setbacks, Maoists still lethal

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Major Operations

201 Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA) was the first newly raised commando unit to see action in Chhattisgarh in the Chinta Gufa area of Dantewada district when the unit launched a raid on a Naxal arms factory in the Bastar region. While the unit lost six valiant COBRA personnel they killed nine Naxals in the encounter and destroyed the arms factory registering their first major success. The unit along with the police is now carrying out area domination to regain control in the area.

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A General Survey

That Naxal violence poses one of the gravest internal security threats before the country was evident with the numbers. In the current year (till 30th November), the number of incidents of Naxal violence have been 2016 compared to 1452 incidents in the corresponding period of 2008. 514 civilians and 304 personnel of security forces have been killed compared to 444 civilians and 217 security forces killed in the corresponding period last year.

in reference to:

"A General Survey               That Naxal violence poses one of the gravest internal security threats before the country was evident with the numbers. In the current year (till 30th November), the number of incidents of Naxal violence have been 2016 compared to 1452 incidents in the corresponding period of 2008.  514 civilians and 304 personnel of security forces have been killed compared to 444 civilians and 217 security forces killed in the corresponding period last year."
- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Settling the Counter Naxal Strategy Debate

The Railway Minister Ms Mamata Banerjee is recently reported to have offered to, “touch your (Naxalite) feet” and asked them with folded hands to come to the mainstream. Mamata Banerjee is reported to have said, “I am giving you seven days to come to the negotiation table to discuss your problems concerning Jangal Mahal. Or else, I shall launch padayatras in Lalgarh, Belpahari, Binpur, Salboni and other areas in West Midnapore to restore peace and rule of law,” the Trinamul chief told a rally in Jhargram town, about 170 km from Calcutta.

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State Capacity Building

The Union ministry of Home Affairs is all set to take control of central and state intelligence agencies before launching a full-fledged offensive against the Maoists in Jharkhand. "The decision was also taken because of the state government's soft approach towards the Maoists. For, during government formation in the state, the security forces were in a go slow mode and the Centre was apparently not happy about it," said a source.

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Naxals Exploiting the Perception Space

The headless body of Sanjoy Ghosh, a 23-year old West Bengal state armed police jawan who had been kidnapped during an operation was found indicating cold blooded killing. This is the second such killing after that of Francis Induwar. The brutal approach recently adopted by the Maoists is a new form of violence that was not seen in the area earlier. It is apparent that the top leadership which proclaims itself against such violence is not able to exercise influence on certain fringe elements or it has adopted a dual faced strategy of continuing with such vile attacks while simultaneously offering talks with leaders as the Railway minister Ms Mamta Banerjee.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

JF 17 Rolls Out – China willing to provide JF 10

The first state of the art JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter plane produced in Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra rolled out during the month. The JF-17 Thunder is claimed to be a new generation, light-weight, all weather, day/night multi-role fighter aircraft with glass cockpit, hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls and efficient man-machine interface that will ensure a minimal pilot workload.

in reference to:

"JF 17 Rolls Out – China willing to provide JF 10               The first state of the art JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter plane produced in Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra rolled out during the month. The JF-17 Thunder is claimed to be a new generation, light-weight, all weather, day/night multi-role fighter aircraft with glass cockpit, hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls and efficient man-machine interface that will ensure a minimal pilot workload."
- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

Defence Issues

`The US defence budget, approved by Congress includes two items that will benefit Pakistan: the Pakistan Counter-insurgency Capability Fund and the Coalition Support Fund. Under the PCCF, Pakistan will receive a total of $700 million. Pakistan should be able to get a little more than a billion dollars from the CSF.

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Indo Pakistan Dialogue

The Sharm el Sheikh meeting between the Prime Minister’s of India and Pakistan had been called as a major faux pas by expert analysts in the Indian establishment. The meeting of the Foreign Ministers was held on 27 September at New York and the Indian side somewhat corrected the impression with a firm but accommodating approach as far as India’s interests in the field of counter terrorism were met by Pakistan.

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UN Disarmament – Pakistan’s Resistance

Pakistan blocked the adoption of the 2010 agenda for the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament. The conference, the world's sole multinational negotiating forum for disarmament, spent much of 2009 stuck on procedural wrangles raised by Pakistan after breaking a 12-year deadlock to agree a programme of work.

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Sino Pakistan Defence Relations

Sino Pakistan Defence relations were renewed with the 7th Round of Talks held during the month. On 09 January, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majeed led the Pakistan side during talks while the Chinese side was led by the Deputy Chief of the People's Liberation Army Staff General Ma Xiaotian at the Joint Staff Headquarters, Chaklala. The discussion focused on the impact of changing global security dynamics, progress in the efforts against terrorism and violent extremism, revised US strategy for Afghanistan, intra-regional disputes and posturing of involved states, and the tenuous spectre of strategic stability in the region. The discussion also focused on ETIM terrorism related threat and measures for security of the Chinese manpower working in Pakistan.

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* Operation Moshtarak Clearing Phase Continues
* Taliban allow US troops very little advancement in Marjah
* 54 Jamaat, Shibir men listed for arrest
* 15 hurt in Kushtia college unrest
* ZIA made Shahjalal International Airport
* UN human rights envoy visits Myanmar
* Australia boosts Myanmar aid
* President Yadav reaches New Delhi to begin India visit
* Resolution against President’s appointment of judges in Pakistan.
* Key objectives achieved in South Waziristan: Kayani
* US missile raid 'kills three' in Pakistan
* Appointed judges on PM advice: Zardari
* PPP-‘N’ differences can be fatal for democracy, says Nisar
* Reinstated judiciary needs parliament’s endorsement: Gilani
* Two killed in an accidental explosion in Jaffna
* EU decides to withdraw GSP+ trade benefits from Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka Court issues warrant against Fonseka's son-in-law
* US Senator John Kerry in Delhi, meets PM
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* Sonitpur sanctuary an NDFB bastion
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gilgit - Baltistan Proposal – Kashmir Up In Arms

Pakistan’s decision to grant self-governance for Northern Areas a part of the Jammu and Kashmir state and rename it as Gilgit-Baltistan invited mixed reaction. The president of Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association, Mian Qayoom, opposing the move said, “Unless Kashmir dispute is resolved according to the resolutions of the United Nations, neither Pakistan not India can change its status by self-governance or autonomy package for the disputed areas.” So called Prime minister of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob while supporting the legal and political rights of people of Gilgit-Baltistan, opposed any move aimed to change the status of the Kashmir dispute.

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Gilgit - Baltistan

President Asif Ali Zardari signed the Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment and Self-Governance) Order 2009 granting the status of a virtual province to the Northern Areas, a part of the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir. The name of the Northern Areas of Pakistan would be Gilgit-Baltistan. The area will now have an elected legislative assembly, with an elected chief minister and a governor to be appointed by the president on the advice of the prime minister. It will also have a Public Service Commission, the chief election commissioner and the auditor general.

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The Balochistan Package

The federal government on 24 November tabled the ‘Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan’ package – based on 39 points – at a joint sitting of parliament. The Package was based on recommendations of a Senate committee with a five part list to include: constitutional, political, administrative, economic and monitoring mechanism.

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UN Disarmament – Pakistan’s Resistance

Pakistan blocked the adoption of the 2010 agenda for the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament. The conference, the world's sole multinational negotiating forum for disarmament, spent much of 2009 stuck on procedural wrangles raised by Pakistan after breaking a 12-year deadlock to agree a programme of work. The impasse on suggested 2010 would be another year of halting progress.

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Sino Pakistan Defence Relations

Sino Pakistan Defence relations were renewed with the 7th Round of Talks held during the month. On 09 January, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majeed led the Pakistan side during talks while the Chinese side was led by the Deputy Chief of the People's Liberation Army Staff General Ma Xiaotian at the Joint Staff Headquarters, Chaklala. The discussion focused on the impact of changing global security dynamics, progress in the efforts against terrorism and violent extremism, revised US strategy for Afghanistan, intra-regional disputes and posturing of involved states, and the tenuous spectre of strategic stability in the region.

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The Security Situation

Pakistan has reportedly suffered highest number of casualties including 12,632 people dead and 12,815 injured in terrorist violence in 2009, a 45 percent increase in attacks over the previous year as per research by Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies (PIPS). 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectarian related incidents of terrorism were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334. The highest number of attacks was reported from the North West Frontier Province (1,137), followed by Balochistan (792) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (559). 46 attacks occurred in Punjab, 30 in Sindh, 12 in Islamabad and five each in Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir.

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