Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Sophisticated Counter Militancy Approach

Mr Gupta may consider that India has a sophisticated though not articulated politico military strategy for countering insurgencies as the Naxals. Thus tackling the Naxal problem would follow this approach and thus the government may succumb the demands made by the intellectuals with the Naxals, what ever be the problems posed tactically to the police operations. What is more important is that the government should use the pause to firstly build political consensus despite the minefield of state elections and more importantly build up the capacity of the police forces rather than drawing up gradiose plans without effective linkages between political will and police capacity, for the result then would be more Silda's.

in reference to:

"For an extremist movement whose core objective is the armed overthrow of the Indian state, the Maoists’ offer of a 72-day truce from February 25 to May 7 to New Delhi is tactically brilliant. The ceasefire move, coupled with a dialogue mediated by so-called “intellectuals”, is a counter to Home Minister P. Chidambaram’s offer to talk to Maoists if they abjured violence for 72 hours. However, the timing of the Maoist offer to smoke the"
- Careful of the calm (view on Google Sidewiki)

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