Thursday, February 3, 2011

Improve Capacity with numbers

The survey showing 40 percent of the people in the South supporting the Taliban and only popularity of the police dropping from 67 percent to 48 percent in the South would possibly denote the level of militancy and the differences between the various regions of the country. This is so as the overall nationwide popularity of the police forces is very high at 79 percent, thus making the same more than acceptable. The low level of preference in the south would need more deliberation as the reasons could be many including the ethnic composition of the police and police social behavior and response towards civil society as well as violence. Even as the numbers are improving, it is apparent that the overall capacity remains poor and that is the worrying factor.

in reference to: Afghan police 'nearly as unpopular as Taliban in south' | World news | The Guardian (view on Google Sidewiki)

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