Friday, February 14, 2014

'India in the 21st Century World'
Speech by National Security Advisor at IAFAC on 'India in the 21st Century World'

The Iranian Navy: A Symbolic Show of Force in the Atlantic
Iranian decision to deploy naval vessels to the North Atlantic is largely symbolic; it does not pose any real military risk. Iran will use the deployment to show the flag in a non-threatening manner, looking to appease its hard-liners who are dubious about the U.S.-Iran nuclear talks says Stratfor Analysis
Sri Lanka supports China's initiative to build maritime silk road of the 21st centuryFits well into China's attempts to expand presence in the Indian Ocean, China has suggested that the two countries enhance cooperation in maritime connectivity, marine economy, fishery, scientific research and environmental protection of the sea, disaster prevention and reduction, maritime search and rescue and other areas.

Energy Security: Power Shortage in India 3.9 percent
Amazing but seems to be true that India is largely sufficient in producing or importing power for consumption in the country and now looks to exporting some of the power to countries as Pakistan and Bangladesh

India - Extradition Treaty

Extradition treaty is an important agreement which can lead to conviction of criminals and terrorists across the world, India has Extradition Treaties in operation with 37 countries as listed.

Strengthening of Defence Ties with Vietnam
MOU of 2009 Regulates defence relations

India's Science Policy
The Gross expenditure on R&D in the country has doubled from Rs.24,117 crores in 2004-05 to Rs. 53,041 crores in 2009-10.
PLA Tracker - Primary Source News on PLA

Highlights of PLA equipment reform in 2014

New platforms for the Navy, upgrades for air force and 100 new achievements for the Second Artillery claims China Military Online

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