Thursday, May 15, 2014

India Speaks Up Against Robotic Weapons Systems
Conference on Disarmament, at the CCW Experts Meeting on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
Air Chief Inaugurates the Training Command Commanders’ Conference
Air Warriors to be fully involved in the process of IAF’s modernisation towards full spectrum strategic force and to keep abreast with the modern developments and technologies for smooth transition and better absorption of modern equipment.
Cochin Shipyard Awarded for Excellence.
India’s indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant is under construction here
Indian Ministry of External Affairs Responds to Pak Expulsion
Response to a media query on the expulsion of two Indian correspondents
High-level Chinese defense delegation visits Sri Lanka    
A high-level Chinese defense delegation led by General Xu Qiliang arrived in Sri Lanka
Maldives Defence minister denies Indian offer to build Thilafalhu dockyard   
Minister of Defence Mohamed Nazim has told local media that no official offer from India to build a dock yard in the Maldives has been received.
Election campaign laws spark debate in Myanmar
Political parties are in conflict over the perceived fairness of the new draft electoral rules and regulation amendments.

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