Tuesday, June 17, 2014

U.S. Should Link Political Settlement in Iraq to any Military Strike to Avoid Sectarian War
Riad Kahwaji, CEO, INEGMA says action by the U.S. Administration must come as part of a comprehensive agreement that would include Iran, Iraq and the Arab Gulf States, especially Saudi Arabia.
Iraq: What to do now?
Jonathan Power of TFF argues that US military involvement would be counterproductive.
Diplomacy and deal making are the tools available to Obama.
The Intrigue Lying Behind Iraq's Jihadist Uprising
Reva Bhalla of Stratfor argues that destruction of Sykes-Picot agreement is the main objective of the ISIS confirms the group's intent to upend nearly a century of history in the Middle East and outlines the geo-politics behind developments
Afghanistan Launches Probe Into Abdullah's Election-Fraud Claims              
Afghan officials have begun an investigation into claims of fraud in the runoff presidential election made by candidate Abdullah Abdullah.
Significant Visit to Bhutan by PM Shri Narendra Modi  
Security Para of Joint Statement reiterating commitment to mutual security
Religious leaders in Sri Lanka call for restraint and tolerance as clashes leave three dead
Following violent clashes between the Sinhala Buddhists amd Muslims in two southern coastal towns of Sri Lanka on Sunday that resulted in the deaths of three Muslims.
$107m World Bank project for Mizoram to improve road links with Bangladesh, Myanmar
The World Bank has approved a credit to improve transport connectivity for the landlocked Mizoram, to help open up the potential for regional trade among neighbouring countries, including Myanmar.


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