Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tokyo Declaration for India - Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged to realize the full potential of India - Japan Strategic and Global Partnership
Pakistan China Special Forces Exercise Warrior 2014
Pakistan and China Special Forces held a three week long joint military training exercise Warrior 2014
Afghanistan's Sikhs Strangers In Their Own Land             
"People often ask me, 'When are you going back to your home country?'" says Iqbal Singh, an Afghan Sikh
Sri Lanka armed forces joint field exercise commences on September 2
Exercise Cormorat 2 commenced on the Island
ZUF reiterates homeland for Zeliangrong
ZUF represents the many divisions in the North East

PLA News

Guide to Xis remarks on military issues published          
A guide book designed to help understand President Xi Jinping's remarks on national defense and army building has been published, military sources.
Anti-tank weapon to bolster PLA capability       
People's Liberation Army ground force will have another new state-of-the-art weapon in its arsenal-the HJ-12 anti-tank missile, which can destroy tanks at a distance of more than 4 km.


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