Wednesday, December 31, 2014

US in Afghanistan
United States New Mission in Afghanistan - Operation Freedom's Sentinel
US Launches a parallel mission to target al Qaeda in Afghanistan
Strategic Events
The Top Four Strategic Events in 2014   
George Friedman outlines European crisis, Russia and Ukraine, Global Economy and Syria-Iraq as the top events of 2014
Bangalore Terrorist Attack
SIMI members named as suspects in Bangalore blast
Five Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) members emerged as suspects in a bombing of a church on Sunday
Myanmar Transition
Myanmar Enters Election Year With Powerful Military Largely Unchanged
Thein Sein government is keen to get the elusive nationwide ceasefire signed ahead of the polls scheduled for late 2015.
World ‘over-optimistic about reform’ in Myanmar: Daw Suu
Suu Kyi plays down the progress of reforms in Myanmar
Sri Lanka Elections and Disaster
Economy, tolerance and reconciliation on minds of Sri Lankan voters
Munza Mushtaq outlines Key issues about the welfare and rights of Sri Lankan minorities will come into play January 8th.
Over 20,000 Sri Lankan troops deployed for flood relief
Sri Lanka is facing the worst floods even as it closes in on Presidential elections

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