Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22 March An important day in afghan history

22 March 2011 will be an important date in the modern history of Afghanistan with the government announcing a transition in seven areas which were mostly expected but for the southern city of Lashkar Gah. Kabul except Sarobi district, Bamyan and Panjshir as well as Mazar-i-Sharif, Herat and Mehterlam have not witnessed much violence though the capital has had a series of major incidents it is largely under the control of the Afghan security forces. The French were keen that the Surobi district should also be handed over but the threat to the same keeping in view the transit route to the Pakistan border and access to Kabul remains. However this should be a positive though some say only a symbolic step in the country. This is line with the overall objective agreed to by the leaders of the troop contributing countries at Lisbon in November 2010 that Afghan forces will lead performing the security tasks by the end of 2014. There is increasing confidence that this would be so in the days ahead and with considerable progress in the past six months, though the path will continue to remain uncertain and full commitment would be necessary.

in reference to: Karzai addresses NATO transition at NMAA graduation (view on Google Sidewiki)

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