Monday, January 6, 2014

India in a Spot in Bangladesh New Delhi failed to develop broad based political relations in Bangladesh solely relying on the Awami League and has gone along with Sheikh Hasina despite observers criticizing her electoral stratagem of holding non-inclusive elections and refusing to compromise.

Pakistan: No Respite from Violence in 2013 A review of data of violence by an Islamabad based confirms rise in violence in 2013 but the figures may be understated

Manipur New committee to press for repeal of AFSPA by 2014
A working committee formed to put a combined thrust for removal of AFSPA through legitimate means before the end of 2014 but success may remain elusive given continued violence in the State

India and Japan Defence Talks
Determine to hold more naval exercises with Indian Navy visiting Japan later this year

Myanmar President Holds Talks with Karen Rebel Leaders

A delegation of representatives of the Karen National Union (KNU), led by Chairman Mutu Say Poe, met with Burmese President Thein Sein and military Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing

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