Friday, January 22, 2010

Land Forces Capability Building

A delegation of senior Israeli army officers will visit Kashmir in the month of October for real time testing of Israeli-made surveillance devices, ranging from unattended ground sensors and Hand-Held Thermal Imagers (HHTI) to Long-Range Reconnaissance and Observation Systems and the Battle Field Surveillance Radars. This would be a ground check of the ‘Surveillance Grid’ deployed by the Indian army along its frontiers with Pakistan to keep a check on the infiltration of militants from the Pakistani side of Kashmir.

in reference to:

"Land Forces Capability Building  Surveillance Grid in Kashmir – High Technology For Counter Infiltration A delegation of senior Israeli army officers will visit Kashmir in the month of October for real time testing of Israeli-made surveillance devices, ranging from unattended ground sensors and Hand-Held Thermal Imagers (HHTI) to Long-Range Reconnaissance and Observation Systems and the Battle Field Surveillance Radars. This would be a ground check of the ‘Surveillance Grid’ deployed by the Indian army along its frontiers with Pakistan to keep a check on the infiltration of militants from the Pakistani side of Kashmir."
- Caring for your Safety, Life & Security (view on Google Sidewiki)

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